
This is a blog created by a music lover, who is mainly influenced by the works of Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Johnny Cash, Brandon Flowers etc. Well basically any artist who is unique and loves what they do despite what critics say. The lyrics of a song and what the a song says means a great deal to me so this blog will have mainly post of my interpretations on songs that i love. Music is a  huge part in my life, i wouldn’t be the person i am today if it was not for my religion and my music. Tom Waits said “songs are interesting things to be doing with the air” which means if we are put on this earth by God and given the gift of the air we breath to keep us alive, we should return the favor by doing something interesting with our lives which will help others. The music of Tom Waits and other artists has done that for me and I wish to create this blog so that i can help others the way music has helped me.

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